S6EP5: Slow Ghosting: What It is and Why It Happens

Have you ever been ghosted? Sadly it’s more and more common these days. What about slow ghosted? Do you even know what that means? You might have been and not even noticed it. Let’s talk about that.



– What slow ghosting is

– WHY slow ghosting happens

– What to do if YOU are getting slow ghosted


After over 17 years of helping hundreds of women find their soulmates, we’ve identified 5 different Love Patterns, each with different characteristics that can keep you from finding true love.

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Episode Transcription Start —>

Speaker1: [00:00:03] Hello and welcome to single The Soulmate Podcast where we help you, the love warrior or love word to be to go from single to with your soulmate. Living the life of your dreams. Hello and welcome to today’s episode. We’re going to do something a little special today, something that we don’t normally do, and that is we’re going to let you inside an exclusive event that we held for our clients called Love Warriors. And so this is a little something different. I hope you enjoy it. Self-awareness as to self awareness. So self awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards. So let’s say it another way it’s being conscious of your own character, feelings, motives and desires. So let’s go back to internal standards. This is about who you are and who you’re not and what it is that you want. So self awareness runs the entire spectrum from just knowing who you are and what works for you. Like, Laura doesn’t want to spend any brainpower on figuring out what light bulbs to purchase, so she doesn’t. She leaves that to me. I don’t want to spend any brainpower. Thinking about where we parked the car. So when we’re together, I leave that to her. Self awareness is also like we were out at dinner last night and we were talking to someone and the woman just kept talking really low and we couldn’t hear her.

Speaker1: [00:01:39] And eventually Laura just kind of had to give up because she was like, I’m sorry, what? Excuse me? What? And we were both saying that and we had to give up so that person didn’t have the self-awareness to be like, Hey, there’s like, sounds going on here. I got to project my voice, right? But it’s also bigger things. Now, I know, for example, that being around certain toxic people, even though they are in my family, isn’t good for my mental or spiritual health. It also means looking at one’s entire life. So that’s when self awareness moves from just personal preference to living an entire life, a lifestyle and a life by design. So living a life that that leaves a legacy. And, and regardless of what you believe happens, like after we die, why would you waste this life, right? The one that we like, I think our one and only life. But you may think maybe we have multiple lives. Doesn’t really matter. The idea is why would you waste this life right? Self awareness is reflecting on what matters most to you. So when you reflect on your life from the place of all the way at the end, like at the deathbed, what mattered in the past tense? What mattered most to you? What are you most proud of? What brought you the most joy, the most smiles, the most warm and fuzzy feelings.

Speaker1: [00:02:56] The most soul satisfaction. So Debbie Ford defined self-awareness this way. She said, self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without attachment to it being right or wrong. So take an honest look at yourself in your life. How do we do that? So let’s talk about like when you go to the mall, like the physical mall. Right. When remember those days you go to the physical mall. So when you go to the mall. In order for you to find where it is that you want to go, you have to look at it. Let’s say you’re looking at a diagram of the whole place. You first need to have a you are here, right? You need to have a you are here without it. You can wander around for hours, days, even if it’s a big enough mall, right? Well, the same in life without finding your you are here, little button. You can be active, you can be busy, you can be doing stuff, but you’re still kind of wandering around aimlessly through the Mall of Life and who knows where you’ll end up and whether you’ll be happy when you get there, and if you get what you really want or what you really came here for.

Speaker1: [00:04:02] So this is about taking an honest look at yourself and your life right now. So I want you to take out a piece of paper. And get a clean sheet of paper and turn it sideways. And this is going to be the map of your life, right? This is going to be the map of your life. And so I’m going to give you some starters for this this map. So in the lower left hand corner, the lower left hand corner, put your this is your birth. So put your birthday right, your lower left hand corner, put your birthday. And I’m not going to demo it because it’s going to be reversed. And then I have to think about left and right. But you know what? The lower left hand corner, put your birthday now in the upper right hand corner. Everybody, just take a deep breath here. How long do you want to live? What age do you. Would you just love to live to. So put that in the upper right hand corner. So somewhere in the middle. Put your age that you are now. Somewhere, wherever you are. So you got one thing and one corner and then another one. And the other one right in the opposite corner. So put your age that you are now. This is your you are here button. Me so far. All right. Awesome. So take a few moments and start at your upper right hand corner and reflect backwards on your life.

Speaker1: [00:05:39] What would you like to have experienced? Who do you want to be at that point? Who do you want to be with at that point? Like, what’s the type and quality of your relationship with yourself? Like, how do you feel? And think about yourself at that stage, an upper right hand corner, right? What’s the type and quality of your relationship with loved ones, those close to you who are the loved ones you want to be with at the end of your life? So not names necessarily. If you’re not yet with your soulmate, maybe you don’t know the name, but maybe you want to put that right. Does does does it matter enough to you to even admit that you really do want to be there with your soulmate? Whatever it is, if you’re with your soulmate, is he there? Presumably so. Right. So you’re putting one word answer. So like super short phrases, this is not where you’re writing a whole paragraph in the upper right hand corner, just putting little super short one word, two words like little bumper stickers. And that’s going to be on the right upper right side and like the right side of your page, more toward the upper right hand corner. So now let’s take a look at where you are and let’s take a look at who you are.

Speaker1: [00:06:51] So, like, what’s occupying your mind? What’s occupying your consciousness, what’s occupying your mind, your time, your money, your thoughts when you walk around during the day, when you dream at night, like what? What do you lay awake ruminating about? Wondering about worrying about wishing for what is happening right now? Where is your energy going right now? And I mean all forms of energy. So your consciousness, your prayers, your thoughts, your money, your credit, your time, all of it. So write down some of it. And this goes in the middle. Wherever you’re you are here button is you’re going to write like a little bit of a bubble around that. This is what’s occupying you right now. So take a few moments and write that out. Same thing. It’s one or two word things. You don’t need to write a whole paragraph and begin. Awesome, awesome, wonderful. All right. So we’re talking about self awareness. And self awareness is taking that honest look at your life and not judging it, good or bad, right or wrong. Just looking at what is and here’s the power part, love warriors. It’s looking at who you are and where you are and who and where you want to be and who and where you want to be. And if you aren’t actively moving toward that right now.

Speaker1: [00:08:10] Well, tick tock. Tick tock, because we’re all going to end up in that upper right hand corner when exactly none of us know, but we will. Right. And so the question is, will you arrive there, having lived as you want to be going where you want to go? It’s not just about achievement. It’s about being ness. And the being starts now in the pursuit of achievements. And you’ve heard this phrase, success is a journey, not a destination. So self awareness is a minute by minute, day by day, action by action, decision by decision, choice by choice type of thing. Because we’re all making choices every day. Too many people are fooling themselves that the hardships in their lives are due to outside circumstances. I want you to, if you’re near a window, look outside and think about is there power out there? Look outside. And look back here. So the power is both outside. Whatever it is you believe is your higher power. God spared the universe, and it’s in here. And it’s about the choices that we make to many people when they look outside, they look at the outside circumstances and they say, that’s what determines my life. The divorce is his fault. The trouble at work is their fault. My health challenge is just fate or chance. This stress the reason I can’t sleep at night. This is because this big project at work or that thing in the economy or this problem in my career or my business or that political situation, my relationship status, that’s because of men these days or I just don’t have time or whatever, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker1: [00:09:59] The playa in my relationship, in my marriage. That’s just the way it is, right? When in reality the marriage crumbling was not bad luck or fate or chance. It was a day by day, choice by choice, decision to not prioritize it enough to think that the house remodel or the new car or the credit score was more important than the marriage itself. To not love yourself and your partner enough to do whatever it took to prepare yourself for the marriage that you really wanted, for the life that you really wanted to give your power away, to luck or fate or chance or conventional wisdom. The stalling in your career, the trouble at work. This is a day by day choice to stay there, to accept less, to not learn more, learn how to earn more. All of this meaning that the life you’re living is a choice. Good, bad or indifferent, it is a choice. And self awareness means that you will look back on the life, that whatever life you look back on, that was a choice. Self awareness means that you see that. Now with condemnation or congratulation, you just see that.

Speaker1: [00:11:10] So you have the emotional maturity to know that and to not beat yourself up, but to do something about you really want to be where you really want to be. No shame, no guilt, no beating yourself up, just getting moving today on the person you want to be, the life you want to live for the rest of your life as long as you live. And and what I want to encourage you there is that those quick one word, two word things. This is for us to just kind of get a little mental picture of where you want to go. But but fleshing that out more deeply is super important because we can be very vague about what it is that we want. And then that is like kind of saying going to the mall and saying, okay, I see you are here. Where do you want to go? A good store. Where do you want to get something nice? Right. It’s like it’s a good start, but it’s not going to really get you to where you want to go. So those things are awesome, awesome starts and then you want to get even more specific about those things. All right. I hope you got a lot out of this episode and I hope you enjoy getting a sneak peek inside one of our online events for our clients. Hey, thanks for tuning.

Speaker2: [00:12:24] In to today’s episode. If you’re a single professional woman who wants your success in your love life to match your success in your career, and you’re looking to get crystal clear right now about why true love hasn’t been knocking on your door and how to have that happen sooner rather than later. Like, not literally though, that would be weird, but I hope you know what I’m saying. Anyway, you’re going to want to book a call, a love breakthrough clarity call right now with my dear wife, Dr. Lara. Yes. Lara herself will get on the phone or Skype with you one on one to assess exactly what’s been holding you back and love what it is you really want and how to get there as quickly as possible. Just go to single soulmate dot com forward slash call to book a call that single day soulmate dot com forward slash call for free love breakthrough clarity call that is for you if and only if you’re a single professional woman who is as serious about her love life right now as you’ve been about getting your degree or your career success. So again, that’s single soulmate dot com forward slash call to book your life changing love breakthrough clarity call right away.

Episode Transcription End —>

Hope you enjoyed this episode of Single to Soulmate! If you want to learn more about Johnny and Lara or want to start your own soulmate journey, go to johnnyandlara.com.