Soulmate love is POSSIBLE for you. Yes, you read that right. Even with all your faults, flaws, regrets, and past heartbreaks. YOU are amazing, and attractive to the right man for you, but how do you even find him, let alone attract him? Let’s talk about that in this episode.



– Why soulmate love is out there and available for YOU

– Stepping into your feminine power

– How to use your feminine power wisely



If you’re ready for the first step towards major transformation & true love at last, head over to to book a FREE 1-on-1 call with Lara herself. She’ll assess exactly what’s been holding you back in love, how to get what you REALLY want, and if or how we can help you get it as quickly as possible.




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Episode Transcription Start —>

Speaker1: [00:00:02] Hello and welcome to the single The Soulmate Podcast.

Speaker2: [00:00:06] Where we help you, the love warrior or love warrior to be to become your own soulmate first as the path to the life of your dreams with your soulmate by your side.

Speaker3: [00:00:16] Yes, yes, yes. I want to welcome you to the single to soulmate podcast. And yes, this is me, Johnny Fernandez, and my lovely wife.

Speaker2: [00:00:26] Yes, that’s me, Lara Fernandez. And in case you don’t know us, we are a happily married soulmate couple on a mission. And our mission is helping to empower single conscious women through their relationships. And over the past ten years, it has been our privilege to help thousands and thousands of women through our teachings, to enable them to live the life of their dreams with their soulmate by their side. Because we believe when a woman owns her own power, speaks her truth about herself and her life, and has healthy beliefs and behaviors around relationships. Well, then, soulmate love becomes her destiny. And the world is a better place for it.

Speaker3: [00:01:11] Definitely. And we’re so excited to be here with you. And now we want to share with you the four main principles. So there are four main principles to help you get on the road from single to soulmate. These principles are the foundation on which we base all of our teachings and on which the women that we work with really lean on and they resonate with and they incorporate it into their thinking and to their hearts. And with this they go from single to soulmate and you can two.

Speaker2: [00:01:38] That’s right. And the first principle is that we live in a benevolent universe and we are truly loved and cherished by a higher power. Now, you may choose to call that higher power, God, the universe, great spirit, or simply higher power, whatever works best for you. Now, Einstein said the most important decision that you’ll ever make is when you decide whether you live in a friendly or a hostile universe. Johnny and I are clear that we live in a friendly universe and we invite you to do the same. So that’s the first principle. The second principle is that soulmate love is your birthright. Just because you exist, just because your higher power breathed life into you, you are not a mistake. So therefore, soulmate love is your birthright. But that doesn’t make it your destiny. Your destiny is determined by the actions you take on a consistent and committed basis. There is a proven path to attracting the love and the life of your dreams. You really just have to be bold enough and love yourself enough to take it. The third principle is this This is the recognition that there is a shift of consciousness going on right now on the planet, a shift of consciousness from a more patriarchal Midas right kind of mindset to really a more feminine and balanced model of collaboration and community and communication and really coming from love with love as the endpoint in the beginning and the bottom line of it all. So the basic attributes of the feminine principle, the life giving, life sustaining, the nurturing, the intuitive, the emotional, the inclusive and connective are now really being more and more valued and implemented in relationships and really in other areas of life in our society as well.

Speaker2: [00:03:36] We’re seeing this a lot, and as these values and this feminine perspective, more and more enter into our consciousness as individuals and then ultimately as a society, what we find is that healthier, happier and more fulfilling relationships are formed and everybody, this entire society, is all the better for it. Now, the fourth principle is to recognize that being a woman and being feminine is far too often identified as being weak, and that it means that we are competing with one another, competing for men’s attention and all of that kind of stuff. However, what’s critical to understand here is that in order to really step into your true feminine power and actually be more attractive to the right man for you, a healthy man for you, you want to collaborate and work with other women because we are not competing with each other doing this work that John and I do, what Johnny and I are all about and what we have seen that’s actually effective in creating the life of your dreams with your soulmate by your side, is that when you radiate your true essence, you are attracting more easier than ever. You are attractive for the right man, that quality man for you, and that collaboration and community that we’re talking about here that allows that attraction to really radiate from you and makes this whole journey toward your soulmate just way more fun and easier than you ever thought possible.

Speaker3: [00:05:11] Absolutely. So there you have it. Those are the four main principle. Both here and as you allow yourself to adopt them as your truth into your life and into your single day soul soulmate journey, what you’ll find is that the journey becomes more fulfilling and just more enjoyable, like Laura said. And you’ll actually attract more of the right kind of attention for yourself, the kind of attention that you want. So a catch on the next episode of Single to Soulmate Podcast.

Speaker2: [00:05:39] Have a fantastic day. Bye bye.

Speaker1: [00:05:41] Or night. Bye bye. Hey, thanks for tuning in to today’s episode. If you’re a single professional woman who wants your success in your love life to match your success in your career, and you’re looking to get crystal clear right now about why Truelove hasn’t been knocking on your door and how to have that happen sooner rather than later. Like, not literally, though, that would be weird, but I hope you know what I’m saying. Anyway, you’re going to want to book a call, a love breakthrough clarity call right now with my dear wife, Dr. Laura. Yes. Laura herself will get on the phone or Skype with you one on one to assess exactly what’s been holding you back and love what it is you really want and how to get there as quickly as possible. Just go to single soulmate dot com forward slash call to book a call that single to soulmate dot com forward slash call for free love breakthrough clarity call that is for you if and only if you’re a single professional woman who is as serious about her love life right now as you’ve been about getting your degree or your career success. So again, that’s single soulmate dot com forward slash call to book your life changing love. Breakthrough Clarity. Call right away.

Episode Transcription End —>

Hope you enjoyed this episode of Single to Soulmate, brought to you by Feminine Radiance and Courage Institute! If you want to learn more about Johnny and Lara or want to start your own soulmate journey, go to