You are not noticing it, but you are likely overcomplicating your love life. You’ve been unknowingly doing things that make it harder for yourself to find true love. But what is it that you are doing? 



– How you are overcomplicating your love life

– How to stop making things harder for yourself

– What will change in your love life once you do this



If you’re ready for the first step towards major transformation & true love at last, head over to to book a FREE 1-on-1 call with Lara herself. She’ll assess exactly what’s been holding you back in love, how to get what you REALLY want, and if or how we can help you get it as quickly as possible.




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Episode Transcription Start —>

Speaker1: [00:00:03] Hello and welcome to single The Soulmate.

Speaker2: [00:00:06] Podcast where we help you, the love warrior or love word to be to go from single to with your soulmate. Living the life of your dreams.

Speaker1: [00:00:17] Hi there and welcome to another episode of the single to Soulmate Podcast. And today’s episode we’ve titled Three Ways You’re Making Your Love Life Harder Than It Has To Be. Now, one of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to finding love is that they believe a relationship is going to complete them, and that’s a major mistake. So the first mistake that’s making your love life harder than it needs to be is you think something’s missing in your life and another person will make that feeling go away. You think that a relationship is the key to you being happy? Now, if you think this way, even just a little bit, sorry to tell you that this is not the case. In fact, this mindset is sabotaging your experience in love. And this leads us to the second mistake that’s making your love life harder than it needs to be. You’re feeling supreme anxiety about men and finding love again. The thing is, other people, men can feel it when you have anxiety about finding love. So any time you approach a relationship from a sense of emptiness inside, like something’s missing and you’re trying to fill a hole, it’s going to be sensed by the people that you’re dating and it won’t feel good to them. At least not healthy people. When you’re confident your vibe goes out something like this, it’s nice to meet you and we’ll see if I want to continue spending time with you. And that is a cool, calm and collected way of being, and it’s usually a pretty intriguing way of being as well.

Speaker1: [00:01:58] But when you have an underlying feeling of needing to find a man, grab a man, get a man, catch a man. Your entire vibe changes. It’s more frantic, it’s more frenetic, and it feels more like this. Do you like me? And am I good enough to make the cut? And energetically, it’s not attractive. In fact, that kind of underlying needing feeling it has the opposite effect on healthy men and actually repels healthy men away and is attractive to unhealthy men. And this is a big problem if you’re deeply desiring and looking for love. So the third way you’re making your love life harder than it needs to be is you attract experiences that match how you’re feeling on the inside. Because if you feel like something’s missing in your life, then your experience will continue to bring you proof that this perception is actually is true for you. For example, if you’re preoccupied with finding a partner and hyper focused on not having one, you’re going to continue to see the same results of not having a partner. The experience will appear in two specific ways. You’ll either remain single or you’ll find a relationship that keeps you unfulfilled. And this is probably not the outcome you’re looking for if you desire a loving partnership. So knowing all of this, what can you do about it? How can you change to feel more secure, at ease, present and confident when you’re looking for love? You start by searching for the feelings you think a relationship will bring you inside yourself.

Speaker1: [00:03:35] Right now, while you’re single. So, yes, you’re searching. You’re looking for the feelings that you think the relationship will give you. I know that at first you might be skeptical. You may think this is impossible to feel connected, loved, held and taken care of without a partner. But I promise you that you can. The most beautiful thing about this process is that once you find these feelings inside of you, you’re going to be way more likely to find them in a relationship to what we’ve seen. John and I, after over ten years of coaching single women around and attracting love, is that we tend to overcomplicate this experience when this experience, what we’re talking about is about self love. And while the mind, especially ego mind, might have a hard time making sense of it and looking at it logically and linearly, if you take a moment to drop into your heart, you’ll get to know exactly what I mean here. Self love is really a sense of finding peace, happiness, contentment, acceptance and love inside of you. It requires a quiet mind, an open heart, and a connection to that still small voice inside that intuition. And you find self love when you get to know yourself and grow yourself to be your best version of yourself. You find self love by setting aside quiet time to just be with you and it learn to enjoy your own company.

Speaker1: [00:05:07] You find self love when you commit to being a student of love. This is a term that John and I have coined. It’s where you’re committed to the growing. You’re committed to seeing relationship, all your relationships, past, present and future, all your relationships as part of a growing and evolving path. That’s what a student of love is never thinking that you know it all. So you find self love when you commit to learning more about what makes you tick and what is truly attractive to quality men. So the key here is you have to feel good before you find a partner if you want the relationship to feel good too. So by creating and cultivating a practice of finding peace and strength and happiness and fulfillment within right now while you’re single, what happens is the sense of needing something outside of you to make you feel good is going to start to disappear. And when this happens, ironically, everything that you’ve always wanted, including an incredible relationship, will make its way to you. All right. So I hope you find that helpful. And that wraps up this podcast on the three ways you’re making your love life harder than it has to be. So how can you apply this to your life? That’s what we’re always going for here. How is this really applicable in the real world in your life? So that’s what I’d love to hear about. Thanks so much for joining us. Sending you love and courage. Many blessings. Bye bye.

Speaker2: [00:06:38] Hey, thanks for tuning into today’s episode. If you’re a single professional woman who wants your success in your love life to match your success in your career, and you’re looking to get crystal clear right now about why Truelove hasn’t been knocking on your door and how to have that happen sooner rather than later. Like, not literally, though, that would be weird, but I hope you know what I’m saying. Anyway, you’re going to want to book a call, a love breakthrough clarity call right now with my dear wife, Dr. Laura. Yes. Laura herself will get on the phone or Skype with you one on one to assess exactly what’s been holding you back and love what it is you really want and how to get there as quickly as possible. Just go to single soulmate dot com forward slash call to book a call that single to soulmate dot com forward slash call for free love breakthrough clarity call that is for you if and only if you’re a single professional woman who is as serious about her love life right now as you’ve been about getting your degree or your career success. So again, that’s single soulmate dot com forward slash call to book your life changing love. Breakthrough Clarity. Call right away.

Episode Transcription End —>

Hope you enjoyed this episode of Single to Soulmate, brought to you by Feminine Radiance and Courage Institute! If you want to learn more about Johnny and Lara or want to start your own soulmate journey, go to