S6EP83: Do Looks REALLY Matter?

Everyone goes back and forth about whether or not looks truly matter when it comes to finding love. Could your appearance be keeping you from finding soulmate love? In this episode, I’m uncovering the TRUE answer to this question- and it might not be what you think.



– The true role looks play in finding love

– How much looks really matter in love

– What to do now that you know this



If you’re ready for the first step towards major transformation & true love at last, head over to https://singletosoulmate.com/call to book a FREE 1-on-1 call with Lara herself. She’ll assess exactly what’s been holding you back in love, how to get what you REALLY want, and if or how we can help you get it as quickly as possible.




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Episode Transcription Start —>

Speaker1: [00:00:03] Hello and welcome to Single to Soulmate podcast where we help you the love warrior or love word to be to go from single to with your soulmate Living the life of your dreams. Individual men are visual. Yes, men are visual, but men are not like, you know, complete idiots either. Like the idea that everybody wants to have the richest, most beautiful, most handsome person in the world to date, to be in a relationship with and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, in the real world, right? The guy’s an ordinary person. Like you or me, right? An ordinary person. And so they’re looking for someone who’s, you know, a good looking person. But keep in mind that good looking goes up or down based on what’s inside of your heart, right? You had this experience where you have someone who’s really good looking on the surface, but in the more you get to know them, maybe they’re a nasty person, they’re disrespectful, they’re unkind, that kind of thing. And so they end up getting less good looking because of that. Right. And by the same token, someone who’s kind of ordinary looking becomes better looking when you get to find out what’s in their heart, Right? When you get to find out how kind they are, how sweet they are, whatever it is. So everybody’s had that experience. And so while it is true that some guys are just looking for the best looking youngest woman they can find, the real issue is why are you attracting only those guys? What about the commitment minded, high quality men that our clients are finding all the time? Why aren’t you finding them, meeting up with them, dating them, getting into relationships with them? That has more to do with the inside.

Speaker1: [00:01:56] So think about it this way. The inside is what matters. If you have an orange seed, can you predict what what will grow? If I put that in the ground and I water it and stuff like that and orange tree. If you have an apple seed, can you predict what’s going to grow regardless of of the weather, the place and stuff like that. If you plant an apple seed, you’re not going to get avocados. You plant an apple seed. If anything grows, it’s going to be an apple tree, right? Because what’s inside is what determines what’s outside. Same thing for you. It is what’s inside of you that makes you more or less attractive. It is what’s inside of you that makes you more or less prepared to be in a relationship with a high quality, commitment minded, emotionally mature man. It is what is inside of you, not what is outside of you. However, if you are attracting men that are only interested in sex or just looking at the surface area, it is likely because you have bought into the myth that it is. All you have to offer is what is on the outside. All you have to offer is your looks or your weight or whatever the thing is.

Speaker1: [00:03:10] And and so you’re not actually valuing what’s inside of you. And if you don’t value what your hopes and dreams are, if you don’t value how you tick, what lights you up, what your what is of prime importance to you in your life inside, if you don’t value that, no man possibly can value that. If all you do is focus your energy, meaning your your time, your money, your effort in external things, and just basic living stuff, obligations and things like that, if all you do is focus only on that. All you’re going to get is a guy that just focuses on that. What can you do for him? What do you look like? Things like that. Look, all of us are getting older. All of us are getting more wrinkles, maybe more gray, maybe more puffy, whatever. But if you are focused on what’s going on inside of you, what we call becoming your own soulmate first, which is what we take our clients through. Becoming your own soulmate first and recognizing that you yourself are the prize. That what you bring to a relationship as a woman is not external. Things like looks or weight or even physical things like sex or stuff like that, or cleaning or cooking. If you don’t see that, then you’re never going to attract a guy who sees that, right? If you don’t see that in you and you don’t value that in yourself, then you’re never going to attract a guy to see that and value that in in you.

Speaker1: [00:04:48] So what’s inside is what determines what is outside. So that’s another myth because men are visual, it’s all about looks and nothing could be further from the truth. I happen to be falling in love with Laura and just loving who she is without literally having any idea what she look like. Because remember, we’ve been together 20 years, married almost 20 years at this point, and we met on Match.com. And because of the way she wrote her profile, which is something that we take our clients through and has been continuously updated since we did that. But because of the way she wrote her profile, she had literally no pictures. And so I was emailing her and then talking on the phone, and I literally had no idea what she looked like. And I was already falling in love with her even then just talking with her on the phone. And then I finally obviously we met and stuff like that, and I think she’s beautiful, but she was beautiful on the inside first. So does that mean that looks don’t matter? Could you get away with that? Nowadays on online dating? You probably couldn’t. But the big thing is your mindset around your looks. If you don’t love you and accept you, no man can. And loving you and accepting you means valuing yourself on the inside, which means your your time, your energy, your your money is not going just to external things and obligations and stuff like that.

Speaker1: [00:06:27] It’s going to what’s inside of you, who you are and the inside and transforming and upgrading who you are on the inside so that that will be shown on the outside. One of the most common things that we hear from women that work with us in our programs is that their friends and family say that they must have gotten a face lift or why is it that they look like five, ten years younger now? Because they’ve transformed on the inside and it shows up on the outside, on the on the opposite. If you are not valuing yourself, not loving yourself, losing hope, getting frustrated, mad at men, all of that stuff, it’s showing up on your face. It’s showing up on the outside and it’s being received in such a way that the what may may appear to be just a judgment based on looks is really a judgment based on you will you can tell the fruit of the tree. You can tell the type of the tree by their fruits. In other words, you’re wearing your insides on your face, for better or for worse. So don’t believe the myth that it’s just about your age or weight, stuff like that. Because the truth is, like we’ve had clients that are, you know, could could stand to lose five, ten, 20, £50 and they can find love. We’ve had clients that have more wrinkles than you and I put together and they find love.

Speaker1: [00:07:58] It really doesn’t matter those things. What matters is what’s going on inside of you and how you think about your self and whether you are truly your own soulmate first. Hey, thanks for tuning in to today’s episode. If you’re a single professional woman who wants your success in your love life to match your success in your career, and you’re looking to get crystal clear right now about why true love hasn’t been knocking on your door and how to have that happen sooner rather than later. Like, not literally, though that would be weird, but I hope you know what I’m saying. Anyway, you’re going to want a book, a call, a love breakthrough clarity call right now with my dear wife, Dr. Laura. Yes. Laura herself will get on the phone or Skype with you one on one to assess exactly what’s been holding you back and love what it is you really want and how to get there. As quickly as possible. Just go to Single to Soulmate dot com forward slash call to book a call that’s Single to Soulmate dot com forward slash call for free love breakthrough clarity call that is for you if and only if you’re a single professional woman who is as serious about her love life right now as you’ve been about getting your degree or your career success. So again, that’s Single to Soulmate dot com forward slash call to book your life changing love. Breakthrough clarity call right away.

Episode Transcription End —>

Hope you enjoyed this episode of Single to Soulmate, brought to you by Feminine Radiance and Courage Institute! If you want to learn more about Johnny and Lara or want to start your own soulmate journey, go to johnnyandlara.com.